Equine Massage Newark

Are you looking for an equine massage therapist in Newark? Then you don’t need to look any further. Nikki Hall treats a variety of horses in Newark, Doncaster and Lincoln all regular clients having left good reviews and recommendations to friends within the equine industry.

Nikki treats all horses for their needs and offers a number of packages to suit all budgets. Equine massage in Newark is growing and with competitions returning horses are needing this now more than ever given the time off they have had. Being an equine massage therapist in Newark, Nikki Hall will manage to keep most days available to suit local and regular clients especially those emergency appointments following injury or a last-minute competition.

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Why choose Nikki Hall Equine Massage Therapist?

With 20+ years of equine experience from riding, grooming and working with horses of all disciplines, she most definitely knows what she is talking about when imagining how the horse feels under saddle whilst treating without the need to ride beforehand. Nikki Hall begins all treatments with a dynamic assessment of each horse by assessing in walk and trot, on a circle and a rein back, although upon request, the horse may also be assessed on the lunge or ridden. The history of the horse is understood before any treatment goes ahead and any issues the horse has previously, or currently has is discussed with your veterinarian first to get an understanding that the horse is fit for treatment.

No two equine massage therapists in Newark are the same but it can be confidently said that Nikki Hall is versatile when it comes to your horse and the different requirements for massage. Whether your horse be in foal or recently foaled, retired, in full work or on a rehabilitation programme, Nikki Hall equine massage Newark has experience in all of these fields and will be able to help the circulation, flexibility and sustainability of your horse. Massage is more than just for pleasure, it most certainly helps horses who show signs of discomfort when being tacked up or ridden, may pull back when tied up and to prevent muscle wastage for retired or injured horses. Nikki Hall specialises in sports and rehabilitation massage in Newark, both in which are incredibly different and use a range of techniques to suit the area being treated.

Equine Pectoral Massage

Equine Services

  • Full dynamic and static assessment.
  • Deep tissue massage.
  • Nervous reflex massage.
  • Rehabilitation massage.
  • Aftercare advice.
  • Follow-up treatments.
  • Bespoke treatment packages.
Equine Shoulder Massage

Horse Massage Benefits

  • Enhance muscle tone.
  • Stimulate and sooth the nervous system.
  • Increase circulation.
  • Improve movement and flexibility.
  • Release tension.
  • Help with recovery.
  • Pain relief.
  • Prevent muscle atrophy.
  • Improve posture.
  • Improve coat.
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